7 Staging Photography Tactics for Real Estate Agents

What first attracts you towards a product?

Its images, right?

Well, a house or any other property for that matter is also simply a product when it is on sale. Photographs play a big role in attracting as well as convincing buyers to take the next step.

As a listing agent, you need to ensure that the pictures you put up are effective at displaying the property’s attractive features.

Here are a few staging photography tactics for real estate agents.

7 Tips to Improve Staging Photography

If you are a real estate business owner chances are you have your own photographer to take care of all this. You should still know how images are taken to better direct your photographer and get exactly what you are looking for.

Some things you can do to improve an image are:

1. Camera Positioning

The main goal here is to take pictures that would make the house look like something out of a catalogue. So, focus more on creating beautiful frames instead of clicking pictures of the location as is.

2. Try to Leverage Natural Light

Hard lights make individual pieces stand out making the entire room look busy. Instead, plan your shoots around weather conditions and take pictures under softer natural light.

This makes the entire frame look harmonious and gives off a much-needed homely vibe.

3. Get the Correct Equipment

Correct equipment can do wonders for an image. This is why professionals prefer to take pictures with a DSLR instead of an iPhone.

You have better control over ISO, white balance, brightness, shutter speed, exposure, etc. ensuring you get impressive shots.

4. Incorporate the View Outside

Individuals consider the surrounding view while purchasing a property. So, if the place has an attractive view, try and incorporate that through open windows.

This will give your audience a glimpse at what they would see should they purchase that property.

5. Take Numerous Test Shots

No matter how great the setting is, unless you take some test shots to check everything looks good, you will not get your money shot. This is one of those staging photography tactics for real estate agents that often get skipped.

6. Do Not Over Edit the Images

Just like lights, you must keep other aspects of the images authentic as well. Otherwise, your buyers might find drastic differences between the images they see and the location they are viewing.

They will feel deceived and might not purchase the house.

7. Plan Around a Color Scheme

Too many pops of colors can make a room look busy and confusing. You don’t want to bewilder the audience’s mind, you want to help them imagine they are living there. To do so, plan the images around a specific color scheme and stick to it.

Use this blog as a guide to create attractive images and compel viewers to contact you to get further information on them.

Images are only one part of the effort you need to put in to get great results. Enroll in AJ Lamba Academy’s course to become the real estate agent you have always aspired to become.

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